The Bright side of Pandemy
What could be the positive sides of CoronaVirus?
*just want to make clear that I am not saying that everything is positive, of course the negative impact is huge and we are loosing thousands and maybe millions of lifes, I even have close friends in Brazil (where this bubble is still exploding) that already contracted the disease — I just want to bring awareness that this situation can also have other sides that we are not seeing.
I know that is a hard moment for everyone, but as a Taoist student I believe that a positive side can be seen on EVERYTHING — so I will try to tweet and share the positive sides I see on this crisis on this thread.
- With this new and disrupted reality, I think everyone will need to learn the basics on Alchemy: 👨🔬
- How to transform boredom in creativity
- How to transform loneliness on healthy solitude
- How to tranform egoism into collectivism.
- Now we will have time to have REAL conversations with people from our home and familiy, so a great time to learn how to do real listening and not superficial listening. Try to have more real conversations with your beloved ones.👂
- In the periods of War or any moment of deep crisis is the time when the real self of people appears: the idiots and covards will popup, and also the kind and good selfs. Be aware of your own self. Also moments of crisis always bring evolution and learning 📈
- Now you finally will have time to organize your home (and consequentially your Life) — organize your room, maybe try a new layout, fix that old problem in your home, pain a wall in a different color, water and plant new plants, do improvements to your space and furnitures. 🏠
- With everyone working from home maybe finally most part of companies could realize that we really don’t need to be there all the time + have a more flexible work and a better balance between Personal x Professional life. 👨💻
- “Levels of air pollutants and warming gases over some cities and regions are showing significant drops as coronavirus impacts work and travel” — data from 🏭
- With this news scenario of crisis, the empaty and compassion of some people is being more visible, like offering themselves to shop groceries for elder people who live on their buildings. Maybe we could preserv this Kindness in the future. 💜
- Whis this lock down and Homeoffice people have more time to dedicate to Creativity: make a drawing, write an article or a book, learn a musical instrument, make a online course on a topic that interest you. 🎨
- For some people, this isolation can be a blessing and not a curse, it all depends on our attitudes and our inner states. Like Dalai Lama says, the best thing that can happen to you sometines is not get what you want🍎. It could also be a good time to disconnect from News and digital world and practice meditation or yoga.
- The Black Plage killed millions of people in the world, but it was also one of the main trigers for the Renaissance: a fervent period of European cultural, artistic, political and economic that shaped world history. Crisis can bring revolutions, on tech, arts, sciences, politics, etc 👩🎨
- With this new crisis we will see who our Politicians really are and how they take care of people and minorities. Our relation and image with the Estate will change. 💼
- Our perception of the real Value of Life and Global Health can change drastically after this, and we could also realize that theres no such a thing as private health, it is collective, we are all together in the same boat. 🦠
- When you breake a bone, the new one that is glued by your body is even more strong than the bone you broke. After this pandemy we will be more strong. 🦴
- Having someone phisically close to you does not mean that you are not lonely, in fact this is the worst kind of lonelyness. You can be present in someones life even not being there, and you can also be negligent on someones life even being close. 👨👨👧👦
- Now is time to reflect, look at your past and also plan your near future. Use this time to go inside, to look at your history, where you began, where you are now and where you wanna be in the next 3 years for example. 🗺
Everytime I find some positive side from this CoronaVirus pandemy I will post on this twitter thread, feel free to add some tweet from you there as well and dont forget the hashtag #CoronaPositiveFacts
Maybe you wanna help me?
Feel free to Tweet and add anything you think could be a positive side from all this situation we are facing now, we are on this together.
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